Take a break

You…yes, YOU, right there!

If you are a mum like me or a dad for that matter, you know what it’s like to raise kids in this day and age. Not that giving birth to tiny humans, raising them and on top of that, trying to raise them well, has ever been easy, but we live in more complicated times, don’t we? It’s not simply about making sure that they are alive and well, and getting a good education; it is also honing their talents, helping them develop their social skills, making them responsible citizens and emotionally intelligent human beings.

Tall, tall order, if you ask me. 

But…it is what it is…and we have to bear it. And maintain our own health and sanity while we do so. 

And that’s how this blog came about. I started it five years ago but it got lost somewhere in the sleepless nights and crazy days of parenting. But here I am again, because in the midst of COVID-19, this mum definitely needs a break! 

So, if you are a mum like me, or a dad for that matter, who needs a break, grab your chai or coffee or your secret stash of junk which only sees the light of night (because it’s YOURS and yours only) and take a break while you read my rants, laugh at my experiences and relate to my stories. Because after all, in this journey of life and parenting, we are together! 
